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Autonomous Mode

Autonomous mode refers to the period in the match where the robot operates without any user input. It began in the 2003 game Stack Attack, primarily as a means to make the programming aspect of FIRST more exciting and challenging. The autonomous mode persisted in 2004 FIRST Frenzy: Raising the Bar, and has continued ever since.

In 2003, the main options for autonomous mode included line following and dead reckoning. In 2004, while these were still viable options, the addition of an IR beacon and IR sensor added the ability to hone into the beacon to complete the task of knocking down the “10 point ball.” The 2003 game manual describes autonomous mode like this:

As soon as the game starts, all robots will be under autonomous control (no human drivers) for a period of 15 seconds. During this time, the robots will operate and react only to sensor inputs and to commands programmed by their teams into the onboard robot control system. Operator control of the robot will not be possible during this time. (see 2003 Game Manual)

See also


The following information is outdated, but is retained for historical reasons