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Jaguar Motor Controller

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The Jaguar is a speed controller developed by Luminary Micro and supplied by Texas Instruments. The Jaguar was added to the FIRST Robotics Competition in the 2009 season to supplement the Victor 884. It has had two different versions, the MDL-BDC “Grey Jaguar” and the MDL-BDC24 “Black Jaguar”.


The Jaguar is part of the FIRST control system. The Jaguar works by recieving a PWM signal or CAN input from a robot-controller, which may include the (full) Robot Controller, the Robovation controller or a Vex Controller. Depending on the range of the PWM signal - with 0 being full reverse, 127 being neutral, and 254 being full forward - the Victor 884 adjusts the such applications as drivetrains, arms, or elevators.

The nominal operating voltage of the MDL-BDC is 12 volts, while the MDL-BDC24 is capable of 24 volt operation as well. Both have a maximum operating current of 40 amps.

Kit of Parts


Jaguars are legal for use but not provided in the KOP.


One Jaguar is provided to rookie teams only.


Two Jaguars are provided in the KOP, with two additional Jaguars given to rookie teams. This time Black Jaguars are provided.


Two Jaguars are provided in the KOP, with two additional Jaguars given to rookie teams.


The Grey Jaguar makes its debut in FRC. Four Jaguars are provided in the KOP to replace the Victor 884 as the main speed controller used in FRC. One Victor 884 was still provided in the KOP.